Atos + Olympic Games Smart SVG

Atos, Worldwide IT Partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Olympic Games Salt Lake City 2002. First time in the role of worldwide IT partner to the Olympic Games. Olympic Games Athens 2004. 0.3 seconds to transmit the results around the planet. Olympic Games Torino 2006. 90,000 accreditations distributed to the Olympic Family. Olympic Games Beijing 2008. First use of the Commentator Information System (C‌I‌S). Olympic Games Vancouver 2010. 18,000 volunteers selected through the purpose-built volunteer's portal. Olympic Games London 2012. 200,000 hours of testing ahead of the Games. Olympic Games Sochi 2014. 40% reduction in the number of servers used. Olympic Games Rio 2016. 400 IT security events managed per second. Olympic Games Pyeong Chang 2018. 100% of critical applications hosted in the Cloud. Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Advanced Access Control System (AACS) - access control based on facial recognition technology. Olympic Games Beijing 2022. 250,000+ accreditations issued. Olympic Games Paris 2024.

The Olympic Games timeline infographic featured 15 logos, live selectable and indexable text, and a fully responsive layout that dynamically adapted for mobile. Despite its rich functionality, it was optimized to just 65KB—an impressive reduction from the original 1MB JPEG, enhancing performance, accessibility, and sustainability.

View the Smart SVG Infographic Technical & WCAG Accessibility Report.

Smart SVG™ Infographic Case Study

Atos sought to make their digital brand elements, such as logos and infographics, more accessible and environmentally sustainable. 
The challenge was ensuring that these elements met high standards of accessibility for users with various visual impairments while also reducing their carbon footprint.
Traditional bitmap graphics and formats posed difficulties in scaling, accessibility, and sustainability, making it hard to adapt to diverse user needs and new technology requirements.

Research and Development

By manually optimizing their vector artwork and converting them into scalable, adaptive Smart SVG formats, Equivalent helped Atos reduce reliance on outdated bitmap images. Equivalent’s pioneering engineering directly influenced their cutting-edge automation technology, which now ensures that graphics are not only fully accessible but also energy-efficient and seamlessly adaptable across digital platforms.


  • Accessibility: The Smart SVG format significantly improved the accessibility of Atos's brand elements, making them more usable for individuals with a wide range of visual impairments. Equivalent applied their patent pending IP to both infographics, dramatically improving the visibility for low vision users.

  • Sustainability: Converting to Smart SVG slashed illustration file sizes by 74%, significantly reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint. The logo was just 1KB, and the favicon an ultra-light 340 bytes—maximizing efficiency without sacrificing quality.

  • Efficiency: The streamlined approach allowed Atos to reduce network exchanges and energy use, which is critical as more users transition to OLED screens that benefit more from optimized graphics.


The work done by Equivalent in collaboration with Atos has been independently verified by Greenspector, a company specializing in optimizing digital energy consumption. This validation reinforces the approach's effectiveness in reducing both environmental impact and improving accessibility, supporting the underlying principles that now drive Equivalent's automated solutions.